Buffalo Tofu Bites

"This is another recipe I adapted to be vegan from the Healthy Cooking Class I took over Winter Break. Original recipe used chicken tenders. I really like this recipe because of all the whole grains and seeds that were incorperated into the breading mixture, and the fact that they were baked instead of fried. The chef who created the recipe did not use exact mesurements, so the dry spices that are added to the breading mixture are my own measurements and are all marked "to taste". The chef was also a big fan of the Kashi brand whole grain crackers, but those are NOT vegan. I substituted Wasa wholegrain crackers instead."
photo by Kozmic Blues photo by Kozmic Blues
photo by Kozmic Blues
photo by Kozmic Blues photo by Kozmic Blues
Ready In:
1hr 20mins




  • Cut the pressed tofu block into bite sized cubes, place in a bowl, and cover with the hot sauce.
  • Let marinate in the fridge at least 1 hour, or overnight.
  • For the breading: In a blender or food processor, mix together the panko, crackers and flax seeds.
  • Season to taste with the garlic powder, salt and cayenne pepper.
  • Remove tofu cubes from the hot sauce and place in the breading mixture, coating all sides evenly.
  • Place the breaded cubes on a sprayed sheet pan and cook in a pre-heated 375-degree oven for 18-20 minutes, or until crispy. Serve hot with some cucumbers, carrots, and celery sticks.

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  1. I did not find these hard to make at all. I threw the coating ingredients into the food processor and then tossed the marinated tofu in and gently tossed and baked. That was it. I had to change the recipe a little to accommodate what I had on hand though. I did not have multigrain crackers, so I threw in some tostitos and used regular breadcrumbs in place of the panko. When we first tried these I was not keen on them, but I decided to refrigerate them and tried them the next day when they were cold. Even my kids liked them then. I used some as croutons in a salad and just ate some as is. My 14 year daughter asked me make another batch right away. Thanks for the recipe.
  2. This was great. I used whole foods 360 organic hot sauce and it was awesome. I had no problem getting the crumbs to stick. I did cook for 28 min. to get the consistency i wanted (probably b/c didn't have any pre-frozen tofu so i just used it fresh) but well worth the wait. yummy! (i did dip some in organicville non-dairy ranch dressing but great plain too)
  3. Yummy! I used tofu that I froze, thawed out, then pressed and drained to get a nice firm texture. I also do this with BBQ sauce and Hoisin sauce, (but minus the breading) and then bake. If you don't like the texture of tofu, try freezing it and then thawing it and draining it...it gives it a nice texture.
  4. Quite tasty. Next time I will soak the tofu in chicken stock before I soak in Franks. The Flax seeds need several minutes in the food processor in order to release enough of its oil to create a mix that will stick. I skipped the garlic powder, salt and cayenne. Next time I wont forget the garlic or salt.
  5. These were pretty good. The problem I had was that they were pretty time consuming to make. I really had a hard time getting the crust to stick to the tofu. Having said that, if I didn't have to make them I would have given them a 5 star becasue they were a fun substitute for chicken wings that I didn't have to feel guilty about eating. Thanks for the recipe Kozmic!


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